How to DJ Right: The Art and Science of Playing Records ~ Swing, jazz and blues - Dance to the music

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

How to DJ Right: The Art and Science of Playing Records

Book review

One of the best books if you want to read about how to learn to dj is 'How to DJ Right: The Art and Science of Playing Records' by Frank Broughton and Bill Brewster.

They cover almost every aspect of what it takes to be a disc jockey, from technical aspects (which button to push) to how to read a dance crowd, building a collection, getting into the dj business and how to be a great dj.

The book has a lot of dry British humour. I love that. When the book was first published in Great Britain its name was 'How to DJ (properly): The Art and Science of Playing Records' but I'll guess that proper English wasn't right in USA.

You can find the British version of the book at the city library in Uppsala.

Have you read the book? What do you think of it? Tell me.

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