Validation - Smile! ~ Swing, jazz and blues - Dance to the music

Friday, July 31, 2009

Validation - Smile!

Lately I've had some great comments about some blog posts, it's so good to hear your views on what I write about. Please keep the comments coming! I'll soon be posting some videos that you readers have sent tips about.

I think it's important to give validation to people, to let them know what they are good at and let them know how much you appreiciate them. That is what the video clip from the short film "Validation" above is about.

You can't but smile when you have seen it. A great film. Love it.

Oh yeah, I just want to remind you that there is a Facebook group for the Swing, jazz and blues blog, join it so I know who you are. You are great!

What do you think of the short film Validation? Please comment.


Tobi said...

Yay, Henrik, very nice Video - I love it! Indeed, smiling is the best thing on earth and as (swing) dancing makes people smile too, it come right after it!

So, keep up with your nice blog, your're great! ;-)

Aidan Jeal said...

This video really cheered me up!

Thanks a lot man, you're awesome!